What type of projects can I handle? In a word (okay, two words) almost anything.
I mean it. Having spent the last decade as a buccaneering freelancer – and another 5 in-house with agencies, handling any brief thrown at me – I’m equally skilled at marketing, branding, comms and ads, and just as happy working solo, as part of a team, with an agency or client-side.
Just think of me as a Swiss army knife for any language-related project: highly versatile, super reliable and unusually sharp.
So yes, I’m a dab hand at all the usual stuff: websites, campaigns, video scripts, ads, brand naming and narratives, tone of voice and style guides, presentations and speeches, bids and proposals, blogs and brochures.
I could go on, but you get the idea. In my time, I’ve worked on some of the most esoteric copy projects out there. Writing fortune cookie messages for a global tech brand? Check. Coming up with a pharma-themed hymn to remote working? Check. Helping 500 of the world’s leading lawyers to rewrite their bios? Been there, done it, got the T-shirt.*
Whatever linguistic challenge you need help with, you can be pretty sure I’ll be up to the task. So go on, what are you waiting for?